Saturday, July 4, 2009

7075 words--and three chapters drafted

As it turns out, telling everyone you know that you're writing a novel in a month is a good strategy. No one in my family laughed at me, and I even got a goodly amount of sloppy copy on the page. I also have three "chapters" completely drafted.

But I must confess the numbers:
  • Chapter One: 1255 words
  • Chapter Two: 4275 words
  • Chapter Three 1545 words
Clearly, Chapter Two is hogging its share of the spotlight--but in such cases, we assume both that chapter borders are fluid and that no one will remember what they used to be after they become what they should be.

Here in Bedford, Indiana, we were going to have a Parade, an Ice Cream Social, and Fireworks today. But the rain fell, all but invisible, all day. So we now hear only distant firecrackers--and I hear as well my parents' voices in the living room, talking with old friends. It is the sound of no fireworks, and it is comforting.


  1. Hey! I thought your writing the dragon blog needed a knight in shining armor to stand guard.
    Good job--keep it up!
    I run in to extra long chapters every now and then, too. As we say here in Boston, "Whatevah!"

  2. Thank you, O Knight! I do need rescuing every minute of the day or so. :-)
